Leading 10 Best Ways to Get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76 Wastelanders
The ideal Fallout 76 Wastelanders ideas on exactly how to obtain gold bullion the fastest methods feasible!

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22 thoughts on “Leading 10 Best Ways to Get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76 Waste…

  1. This video covers the best Fallout 76 Wastelanders tips on how to get gold bullion the fastest ways possible!

    Remember to leave a like, and possibly share this comprehensive guide to help other Fallout players out.

    1. What do you mean it’s not hard to rank up rep it’s very difficult

    2. I know this is old and all but do you know any new ways to get brotherhood of steel recon armour with out having to wait a full day to get a chance at a rare plan?

    3. Definitely appreciate a well explained video where I didn’t have to search on youtube for hours wasting time watching videos that’s making me more confused and clueless that b4. Thank RIFLE

    4. If been before he is not popping up for me. I have already max out raiders reputation and I’m almost done with maxing out settlers but I have not completed the vault 79 mission. Is that the reason why smiley doesn’t pop out ? Please reply

  2. I have completed the Wayward missions but still no sign of Smiley! Did that f.cker die or what?

  3. Hahaha. Whoops I sold those pictures to Ward at foundation. And Davenport told me to kick rocks. Was trying to save the caps on fast travel.

  4. i needed this info! p.s. ill bet the speaker is from the philladelphia area.

  5. I never knew how to get gold. When I seen you use the treasure notes I felt like an idiot because I have 185 of them.

  6. What a bullshiit video biggest clickbait ever 🤣🤣🤣 just tell people to play the main story and keep the gold and play fawking events for notes 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

  7. Don’t know if anyone will see this but just dropping in to ask n see if these are still affective modes to get bullion? Just recently joined fo76

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